This analysis was written by User:Partys and formatted by User:Partys
Although it doesn't look threatening at first, Jumpluff has a few tricks up its sleeve to make it a viable Pokemon in the 1v1 metagame. Its ability to use both Sleep Powder and Leech Seed combined with a great speed stat allows it to sleep and stall out slower foes. Unfortunately, Jumpluff isn't extremely consistent, as Sleep Powder's somewhat low accuracy even with Wide Lens will occasionally miss. Additionally, multi-hit moves like Rock Blast or speed control moves like Flame Charge further add to a list of Jumpluff's bad matchups.
Subseed[edit | edit source]
Jumpluff @ Wide Lens Ability: Infiltrator EVs: 20 HP / 236 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Sleep Powder - Leech Seed - Substitute - Protect
Set Comments[edit | edit source]
Moves[edit | edit source]
Every move on this set is almost completely necessary and can't easily be changed. Both Sleep Powder and Leech Seed are what give Jumpluff a niche in the first place, as other Sleep Powder users with access to Leech Seed are much slower. These moves are the backbone of the set, as Sleep Powder buys time for Leech Seed to be set up without taking damage. Substitute is also a very helpful move, as it also prevents Jumpluff from taking hits, while also passing time for the enemy Pokemon to take damage from Sleep Powder. Protect, again, prevents Jumpluff from damage that aren't weakened Z-Moves.
Set Details[edit | edit source]
Wide Lens is optimal for Jumpluff, as it doesn't need any other item, and any boost to Sleep Powder's accuracy is helpful. Infiltrator, while not a particularly consistent ability, is better than nothing, and can easily punish newer or forgetful players that think they can use Substitute against Jumpluff to beat it. The only EVs on this set that really matter are 252 Speed with a Jolly nature. The rest don't matter too much, and the set provided has a low HP divisible by 8 for maximum Leech Seed recovery, with the rest in defense to try to take physical moves like Ice Shard or Rock Blast better.
Usage Tips[edit | edit source]
When Jumpluff is set out, you'll play it the same pretty much every time. You start off by using Sleep Powder against your opponent to start off the stall. Next you'll want to use Substitute to both keep setting up the stall and also accounting for a first turn wake, which a second-move Leech Seed wouldn't do. After this, you should put up a Leech Seed. From here, you will want to spam Protect and then Substitute to slowly but surely whittle your opponent's health down until it eventually faints, assuming all goes well. Avoid taking hits at all cost, as Jumpluff is often unable to live them.
Team Options[edit | edit source]
When teambuilding with Jumpluff, fast Pokemon will immediately stick out as a threat. Because of this, you will want to be able to handle them, and bulky attackers are especially good at doing this. Z-Move users like Primarina, Donphan, Tapu Lele and others are good examples of this. Bulky Mega Pokemon are also good at beating fast threats too, as Mega Gyarados and Mawile can beat Choice Scarf users such as Kyurem-Black. A notable example would be specially defense Mega Metagross, as it can lure in Tapu Kokos, a very common and problematic fast threat.
Strategy Comments[edit | edit source]
Other Options[edit | edit source]
As the combination of Sleep Powder and Leech seed is Jumpluff's only real niche, other sets with different moves would be gimmicky at best. The most versatile part of Jumpluff is its item slot. Grassium-Z combined with Sleep Powder can potentially handle Flame Charge users like Mega Charizard X and Y, and Yache Berry could try to avoid Donphan's Ice Shard and Choice Scarf Kyurem-Black's Ice Beam doing too much, but these are still very luck based considering its accuracy has been reduced and the fact that Jumpluff needs very optimal sleep turns. Jumpluff also got Strength Sap in USUM, however it has a hard time fitting it onto sets. Interestingly enough, Jumpluff does get Swords Dance, so an offensive Flying-Type attacking set could be a very surprising lure to potentially take down grasses like Mega Venusaur. Overall though, these sets are nearly completely inferior to Jumpluff's bread and butter Leech Seed set.
Checks and Counters[edit | edit source]
- Faster Pokemon: Naturally fast Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Greninja are huge threats and can easily take Jumpluff down, while not being afraid of being unable to attack it.
- Choice Scarf Users Choice Scarf users, conventional or not, can outspeed Jumpluff and easily handle it. Common users are Pokemon like Kyurem-Black, Porygon-Z and Sawk.
- Grass Types As Grass Types are immune to Leech Seed and Sleep Powder, they fear nothing from Jumpluff.'
- Strong sound moves Moves like Mega Gardevoir's Hyper Voice and Genesect's Bug Buzz can easily go through Jumpluff's Substitute and OHKO or 2HKO.
- Pokemon with recovery moves Users of moves like Roost, Softboiled, Rest, etc. can outstall Jumpluff, as they don't use PP while asleep. Rest users in particular are able to gain 100% of their health and control their sleep.
- Taunt Jumpluff uses only status moves, and is forced to use Struggle if it's taunted, and will almost always lose.
- Flame Charge Mega Charizard, X or Y, sometimes run Flame Charge and can break Jumpluff's Substitute and then can follow it up with a Fire type move.
- Multi-Hit moves Golem and Mega Heracross can use strong Rock Blasts to break through Jumpluff's substitutes and continue to damage it.