Tapu Fini
This analysis was written by User:Raimon and formatted by User:charizard8888
Tapu Fini is a common bulky offensive based pokemon in the 1v1 metagame. Its typing allows it a lot of utility in offence and defence, giving it very spammable stabs alongside good resistances to common offensive typings such as Fire, Water and Dark. It has very good defensive stats allowing it to tank super effective hits from common attackers such as Kyurem-Black with Fusion Bolt, Charizard-Y with solar beam, and KO back with the appropriate coverage move. Its ability, Misty Surge, means it can not be afflicted with status moves for the first 5 turns of the match, which allows it to be useful versus pokemon which rely on inflicting status to win such as Porygon2. Tapu Fini is also unfortunately weak to certain common offensive threats such as Tapu Koko which can easily outspeed Tapu Fini and OHKO it. Tapu Fini also relies on Choice Specs to secure the power it needs for kills, as it has an average special attack stat of 95
Choice Specs[edit | edit source]
Tapu Fini @ Choice Specs Ability: Misty Surge EVs: 232 HP / 24 Def / 232 SpA / 20 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Moonblast - Surf - Grass Knot - Hidden Power [Rock]
Set Comments[edit | edit source]
Moves[edit | edit source]
Moonblast is a strong and reliable stab move which can not miss and deals decent damage on when hitting neutral targets. It also hits hard against dragon and dark type pokemon such as Mega Gyarados and Kyurem-Black which are weak to the fairy typing. Surf is a strong and reliable water Stab which allows tapu fini to hit bulky grounds and steel types for solid amounts of damage. Grass knot allows Tapu Fini to hit other bulky waters which may give it trouble such as Mega Swampert and Mega Slowbro. Hidden Power [Rock] allows Tapu Fini to lure in Mega Charizard-Y and OHKO it
Set Details[edit | edit source]
232 HP with 24 Def allows Tapu Fini to take Play Rough+Sucker Punch from Mega Mawile. 232 HP with 20 SpD allows Tapu Fini to take a hyper beam from Porygon-Z. The remainder of the EVs are dumped into SpA alongside the modest nature+Choice Specs allowing Tapu Fini to hit as hard as possible.
Usage Tips[edit | edit source]
As this Pokemon relies on Choice Specs as an item, it is very simple to use. Click the appropriate move versus the pokemon you are facing, whether that be the super effective option, or the one which does the most damage. Versus Charizard, even if it is mega Charizard-X always click Hidden Power [Rock]. At team preview if the opponent has one of charizard, Kyurem-black, or Gyarados, tapu fini is usually a good pick vs them as it can easily beat all 3 of those Pokemon consistently. Watch out for strong z-move attackers such as landorus-Therian and Tapu Koko which can OHKO Tapu Fini
Team Options[edit | edit source]
Charizard Mega-X is a very good team mate as it can beat common checks to Tapu Fini such as Metagross Mega and Tapu Koko easily. Donphan or Golem are also good options as they can comfortably beat the same threats which trouble Tapu Fini as mentioned before, as well as always being able to take a strong z-move hit which may have been intended to take out Tapu Fini. Offensive Ground types such as Landorus-Therian are also solid options since they are immune to offensive electric types and enjoy Tapu Fini eliminating Kyurem-Black. Kyurem-Black itself is also an excellent team option, as it is able to beat many threats to fini such as Landorus-Therian and fini in turn being able to beat threats to Kyurem-Black such as Charizard Mega-Y or X. Charizard Mega-Y is also a good team member for similar reasons as Charizard Mega-X. Grass types such as Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn provide good support as team mates being able to feed off of Fini dealing with strong offensive fire types while also in turn being able to help Fini by defeating some of its checks such as sturdy ground types which give it issues
Strategy Comments[edit | edit source]
Other Options[edit | edit source]
Hidden Power [Fire] can also be run over Hidden Power [Rock] to hit pokemon such as Scizor Mega and Ferrothorn, however this leaves you weaker against Mega Charizard-Y. Hydro Pump can be run over surf for higher damage and a chance to OHKO Mega Mawile and Porygon-Z, but a chance to miss as well
Checks and Counters[edit | edit source]
- Offensive Electric Types: Tapu Koko and Magnezone are both strong hard hitting Electric types which can easily outspeed and OHKO Tapu Fini
- Strong Z-Move attackers: Pokemon such as Landorus-Therian can outspeed and OHKO Tapu Fini with their strong Z-Moves
- Mega Metagross: It is able to outspeed and 2HKO Tapu Fini, while in return Tapu Fini can barely 2HKO it.
- Grass Types: Mega Venusaur and Kartana both give Tapu Fini problems as Tapu Fini can not touch Mega Venusaur, and Kartana outspeeds and OHKOes easily
- Specially Bulky Pokemon: Pokemon such as chansey can easily outstall the terrain turns and inflict status upon Tapu Fini to defeat it