This analysis was written by User:Raimon and formatted by User:Partys
Zygarde is a very prominent threat in the 1v1 metagame, due to its ability Power Construct which allows it to easily bypass would-be checks such as non-Taunt Mega Gyarados after dropping below 50% HP, granting it a huge increase in bulk, and also due to its amazing STAB move Thousand Arrows which is a Ground-type move that hits would be immunities such as Flying-type or Pokemon with the ability Levitate. In tandem with set up(setup)options such as Coil and Dragon Dance Zygarde is a threat that can set up on many Pokemon, and either Rest up, or go for the KO with a Z move boosted attack. For these reasons Zygarde is one of the strongest Pokemon in the current 1v1 metagame, however it does suffer from a few issues such as its weaknesses to having a 4x weakness to Ice, as well as being weak to some of the most common offensive types, namely the Dragon and Ice typings, making it vulnerable to strong Ice-type and Dragon-type attackers such as Naganadel and Kyurem-Black. Zygarde-C can also be vulnerable to hits before transforming into complete form.
Coil[edit | edit source]
Zygarde @ Groundium Z Ability: Power Construct EVs: 232 HP / 220 Def / 56 Spe Impish Nature - Coil - Rest / Substitute - Thousand Arrows - Extreme Speed
Set Comments[edit | edit source]
Moves[edit | edit source]
- Coil is the main move on this set allowing Zygarde to set up on threats such as mega Metagross, even those with Ice Punch, and proceed to knock it out next turn with Z-Thousand Arrows
- Rest is important as it allows Zygarde to combat bulkier opponents such as Chansey which rely on status like toxic, and also perform PP stall wars versus other bulkier Pokemon which can not take you out
- Thousand Arrows is the main offensive move on this set, allowing Zygarde to hit most of the relevant meta, and when used as a Z-move its power increases exponentially letting Zygarde easily beat Pokemon such as the aforementioned Mega Metagross and Mega Gyarados, for example
- Extreme Speed is an important move as it allows Zygarde to finish off Pokemon which are faster than it which aren't always OHKOed outright by Z-Thousand Arrows but are left on a low amount of HP. Extreme Speed is also useful in breaking sturdy thus allowing Zygarde to beat pokemon which rely on sturdy in conjunction with Metal Burst or Counter by taking minimal damage from their CounterCoat strategies before proceeding to OHKO with a stronger attack.
- Substitute can be used over Rest to better deal with Mega Venusaur and Chansey, however it is not recommended as you lose out on Rest which is generally better
Set Details[edit | edit source]
- The EVs are selected to maximise physical bulk, while also speed creeping uninvested base 100 speed Pokemon.
- The item is a focal point of the set as it allows Zygarde to use Z-Thousand Arrows which is important for dealing with bulkier opponents which could take a simple Thousand Arrows comfortably Such as Landorus-Therian or Mega Gyarados.
- Zygarde's ability Power Construct allows it to transform into 100% form which is what makes it so strong
- The given EVs allow Zygarde-C to take powerful attacks such as an Outrage from Mega-CharizardX and an Ice Punch from Mega Metagross, and even defeat 252+ variants after a coil and the Power Construct HP boost
Usage Tips[edit | edit source]
- Be wary of counters to Zygarde such as Kyurem-Black, another prevalent Pokemon in the metagame. Due to Zygarde's low speed tier faster Pokemon carrying a powerful ice attack can take it out due to the 4x weakness, Pokemon such as the aforementioned Kyurem-Black and Greninja
- Versus the plethora of physically offensive behemoths in the metagame, Charizard-X, Mega Gyarados, Mega Metagross etc, always click Coil turn 1 then attack turn 2, this usually guarantees a win even versus Ice Punch Metagross, or Taunt Mega Gyarados provided its slower than you.
- Because of the 4th slot being dedicated to Extreme Speed even if one of the aforementioned threats lives on 10~20% they are usually in range of an Extreme Speed on the follow up.
Team Options[edit | edit source]
- Magearna is a good team mate for Zygarde as it efficiently deals with its two biggest counters, Greninja and Kyurem-Black.
- Both mega Charizards are another good team mate as they appreciate Zygarde's ability to defeat every relevant sturdy Pokemon in the metagame, as well as Heatran, forming a synergistic core with each other, and also they can deal with Mimikyu, another threat to Zygarde-C
- Mega Gyarados is another good team mate, appreciating the support Zygarde offers against offensive electric types such as Tapu Koko, and in turn providing another good check to Kyurem-Black
Strategy Comments[edit | edit source]
Other Options[edit | edit source]
- Dragon Dance is an option can be considered for a second set although it is just too outclassed by Coil as it only beats similar things while leading to Zygarde losing to a lot of other Pokemon as a tradeoff.
- Exchanging Extreme Speed for Outrage and running Dragonium-Z for other Zygarde is an option too, however it is not recommended as you lose out on Extreme Speed and a Z-boosted Thousand Arrows.
- The 248 HP and 84 SpD set is an option for beating Porygon-Z without Ice Beam, however you lose out on vital physical bulk for matchups such as the Charizard-X matchup
Checks and Counters[edit | edit source]
- Kyurem-Black: The single biggest counter to Zygarde, able to OHKO Zygarde easily with an Ice stab move
- Pokemon with strong ice type moves: Greninja, Porygon-Z, HP Ice Blacephalon, can all take out Zygarde before it can react with strong ice type moves
- Powerful dragons like: Chomp Garchomp,Naganadel and Latios can OHKO Zygarde before it can react
- Powerful attackers: Necrozma with Prismatic Laser, Psychium-Z Tapu Lele, Fast Choice Specs Porygon-Z, can outspeed and 2HKO Zygarde or just straight up OHKO it
- Offensive Fairies: Pokemon such as Tapu Fini and Mega Gardevoir can easily deal with Zygarde by outspeeding and 2HKOing with a stab fairy move by either out speeding and OHKOing or living a hit and OHKOing with their powerful STAB Fairy type moves such as Moonblast and Pixilate-boosted Hyper Beam, although Tapu Fini in particular prefers using Ice Beam.
- Tapu Bulu: Zygarde can barely touch Tapu Bulu leading it to being set up on and easily defeated, or just simply smashed with a stab grass move